Review: The Emperor's Finest

The Emperor's Finest The Emperor's Finest by Sandy Mitchell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The first, and most obvious criticism I can foresee from those who’ve finished the story, is despite how we finally get the story where Cain works alongside a space marine chapter (an event that has been alluded to multiple times in previous books; in fact, mentioned whenever Cain encounters a genestealer cult), it is largely underwhelming.

Despite best efforts, from the good commissar, the Astartes simply don’t have enough of a personality to make them engaging. Part of that might be due to the particular proclivities of their chapter. The reclaimers, as the name indicates, are quite obsessed with reclaiming Archeotec from the voids of space. In that sense they’re quite similar to how your average admech acolyte works. But whatever that spark is, which sets them apart as humanity’s finest warriors is missing.

I would’ve imagined a character arc, where they view the good commissar with skepticism, particularly because of his propagandist title of ‘The hero of the Imperium’. Which, as they completed missions side by side, Cain having proven himself through the absurd victories he’s prone to pulling out of his hat. This, plus his steel stealing smile and the charm of a bard maxed out on charisma, he would’ve earned the professional recognition of the space marines.

It would be delusional to assume that your rank-and-file soldier would be able to gain the respect of an Astartes. The only one who can, is someone of legendary status like that of Commissar Yarrick. So, a validation of Cain’s hyped-up reputation would’ve been sufficient.

While he does gain a healthy acquaintance of the Reclaimers techmarine Druman, being able to serve as a respectable sparring partner to the Astartes (Again, the notion that an unaugmented human making an Astartes break a sweat, even in training, is quite ludicrous). Beyond that, there is little chemistry.

Worse part is, I could’ve easily imagined Cain being embedded with someone like the Black Templars or the Salamanders, while impressing upon them his abilities using 90% luck and 10% horse apples.

Scenario 1: The Black templar taking the law to some disobedient guardsman or PDF who had the gall to break or run away from the enemy. In comes Cain, weaving his magic to protect the men, with some hogwash about spending their lives in service of the emperor. Earning the admiration of Space marine and enlisted alike.

Scenario 2: Cain taking great pains to reduce the casualties amongst the soldiers and general populace, when facing some Xenos/ chaos enemies. Seemingly taking near suicidal actions to avert disaster (while it just being his misfortune kicking in at the worst time). Thus, earning a stoic nod from the green pyromaniac teddy bears.

But, likely GW didn’t want to associate any major name chapter to this particular campaign, and they had to develop a homebrew hodgepodge as a placeholder. I Hope there are better instances of this collaboration in the future.

Most of my major grievance with the story is the inclusion of perhaps the most annoying character so far mentioned in this series. Mira, the arrogant, haughty, self-important daughter of a planetary governor. Who picked up some rifles and went hunting in Dad’s summer mansion and thought that qualified her to face battle hardened enemy combatants on the field. And decided to ingratiate herself with the self-serving, yet capable commissar, jeopardizing the mission and his life.

Worse, she has the gall to look down upon and insult the Commissar loyal and resourceful right hand man. You don’t get far in this story, after insulting Jurgen. But here me out. After pondering about it for a bit, I seem to be of the notion that this character does serve a purpose. Not directly to the story; rather, to explore the nature of our protagonist.

From the very beginning, we’re told by Cain himself, as to what his first and only priority is in life. To not die, a terrifying, horrifying, pain-filled death, at the hands/ talons/ claws/ tentacles/ pincers of whatever week’s monster the unfeeling galaxy throws at him. Everything he does, is towards this goal; with the ultimate endgame of retiring in peace, and in one piece, to some cushy behind the desk job, far, far away from conflict. It’s just his luck that his exploits tend to more often than not turn the tides of battle and get them sufficiently inflated to saddle him with worse dangerous assignments.

So here, we see Cain being offered a rare chance; to be the trophy husband of the heir to a planetary governor, with direct line to ruling the entire planet. Yet, he seems almost reluctant at the prospect of saying adios to fighting and essentially being the kept man to the queen.

Part of this might be his skepticism and revulsion to anyone remotely nobelite (I’m not sure if that’s a word, but I’m gonna use it). Also, a smart man like Cain knows, in the world of 40k, the next galaxy ending threat is always around the corner. And no matter how far one can run, the war has a habit of finding you. So, when it does, the best bet is to have an entire army’s worth of highly trained, highly motivated, bloodthirsty killers on your side, and looking up to in adulation, to then use as protection against said galactic horrors. In the same vein, in this world, planetary rulers are a dime a dozen. Considering how the Imperium holds dominion over more or less a million words, each with their own brand of insufferable bluebloods.

The Imperial war machine can and has bulldozed over entire sectors who made the mistake of sneezing the wrong way. So, again, why won’t you side with said juggernaut, rather than risk being the ones trampled in its wake.

But maybe, just maybe, there is this small part of him, one which even he denies, which likes this life. The one filled with thrills and near-death ordeals. Where Cain’s particular skill set, keen intellect and killer instincts shine in abundance. Sometimes, it feels good to be wanted and appreciated.

Then finally, there is the case of Jurgen. Despite treating almost everyone as tools for his own survival, even the arguably self-centered Commissar recognizes the worth and value of a right hand man like Jurgen. Who is resourceful, quite handy with a weapon, and is staunchly loyal to the good commissar, treating his words as gospel. Also, someone who has faced the worst the galaxy has to offer side by side with Caiphas, no questions asked. Truly, more often than not, the last-minute intervention of the malodorous valhallan has been the difference between life and death for the Commissar.

The way in which Cain's almost intended treats others, those she sees below her, is typical of the aristocracy of Warhammer; might be typical of aristocracy anywhere. But that just cements in him, and in us as readers, this person is not one who believes in common human decency or values. Cain’s prestige and usefulness has made him alluring to her at the moment, but once that comes to pass, he’ll be thrown aside like a used condom.

Ironically, facing the vile monstrosities of the warp, might be for Cain a more assured gamble, compared to throwing his lot amongst the nobles.

But I’ve meandered quite a bit, from the intended point. TLDR, she basic, but she reveals the better characteristics in our protagonist.

A final tail end of the actual structure of the story. The last act is set entirely inside the dark, derelict, warp-ed corridors of the space hulk. The whole atmosphere, where the duo of Cain & Jurgen are running around trying to evade the Tyranids, then the Orks, then the Tyranid infected Orks, all is quite reminiscent of the same sense of horror and claustrophobia as invoked by movies such as the Alien (at least the first one). Combat is again taking a backseat for survival horror, but it works for the most part.

The final conclusion felt a bit too rushed and was one which was ‘said rather than shown’, as if the author had run out of pages. I really would’ve liked some more detail, as to how the Space marines and the Imperial forces dealt with the dual Xenos threat. Preferably by blowing it up in spectacular fashion or dragging it into the sun’s gravitational pull to be burned to crisp.

This is a recurring theme I’m seeing, even in the previous entry of ‘Cain’s Last Stand’. Only in book 4, ‘Death or Glory’ did I find the wind down and exposition after the climax satisfactory.

But I’m two thirds done with the glorious tales of our heroic commissar. Can’t wait to pick up the next iteration. Or perhaps I’ll mix it up and get started with Gaunt’s Ghosts, which from what I gather, has a decidedly more fatalistic tone.

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