Review: Wonder Woman, Volume 3: Iron

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Rating 4 out of 5 | Grade: A; A Dysfunctional family of Gods
Brian Azzarello's run on the new 52 version of Wonder woman continues to be a slow burn. As I expected on reading Volume 2, it's the sort of story which starts off slow, and then starts building up more and more steam as the narrative progresses.
His treatment of Diana, her Olympian heritage, as well as whole of the Gods, to be this sort of dysfunctional family, really makes for some great character moments.

Once again, the stand outs have to be the God of War, as well as the Queen of the Gods. War is such a world-weary old man, who has grown tired of the countless millennia of conflict which he perpetuates, as a course of his role, and by his mere existence. You are made to question, how much is too much, as a conceptual entity defined by conflict, has grown tired of it.

Then there is Hera, who, true to her mythological origins, plays the role of the vamp, who's out to reign righteous vengeance on those poor souls who engaged in dalliance with her wayward husband. But underneath, we see this scarred individual, who is sort of stuck in this never-ending cycle. Of being cheated on, getting enraged, spreading vengeance on the perpetuators, all the while forced to keep living with the chief cause of her grief.
Zeus was never my favorite god from the Hellenic Pantheon but seeing the sort of bitter broken person that he has turned Hera into, sort of makes him even more verse. Pretty impressive, since we haven't even seen his character on screen.

Bringing together this whole colorful, broken, antisocial family members is Diana, who, with the latest son of Zeus as a connective tissue, manages to ring the family together, in some semblance of peace, however briefly that might last.

While in the background, the game of thrones continues, as prophecies are spoken, plans are made, machinations ensue, the various factions view for the throne of Olympus, and an ancient evil stir from the underbelly of the earth.
Definitely one of the better Wonder Woman runs of the recent years; I'd recommend it to any fans of the DC pantheon and fantasy.
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