
    Sitting there, on the edge, the cliff opened into the never ending panorama that the sea had to offer. The way the wind brushed up against the soles of my feet, made me feel weak, like when you get on one of those amusement park rides. Or was it the slight warmth of the twilight sun, inches closer to oblivion where the sea meets the sky. 

    The water below was splashing up as if she were inviting me to her, to her embrace, to feel her cool touch, sour through my being. I know not what prompted me to do it

    The guys were a way back, babbling. Scotty came to me, I told him "I think i'll jump"
"yeah right", his tone was bemused. 

"No I am serious. I think you should too.,"

"no way you're screwing with me"

"No. Dead serious."

"You can't swim"

"I know"

"Even if you fall well, there are rocks underneath the waters"

"I know"

"The current can drag you out to sea, and then you'll drown"

"I. Know."

"Get over here, you duff."

I edged further out, holding on just by my hands, "don't come near me or I'll jump"

"sheesh you asshole, you're crazy"

"it's not crazy, it's called fate, or is it faith" and with that one second hesitation I jumped,

    Classic; just like in the movies. As I fell I turned and saw his face contorted with fear as he dragged himself behind me. I smiled and let the cool water hit me, all went quiet, like time had stopped , that moment was bliss; not to mention a hell lot painful.

    Yet when her cool arms traveled around me and cuddled me, I never felt more alive in my life, I spent there for what was an eternity of sensation, and then, an arm dragged me to the top. "hey I thou....", he didn't let me complete, he plunged me under again and began hitting me. I laughed, despite all the aches, I laughed, more lively than I'd allowed myself to be these few days


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