Review: A Mug of Recaff

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Trooper Ferik Jurgen, is the shadow of the hero Commissar Caiphas Cain. Intensely loyal to the Emperor & the Commissar, resourceful, single minded in devotion, and quite handy with a melta.
The malodorous Watson to Cain's Holmes, he might not be most personable of soldiers, nor does he understand the complexities of life. But point at something you want gone, and he will make sure that it's gone.
And, in the thick of battle, when the metaphorical shit hits the fan, there is no one else you rather have watching your back; something which Cain would attest to with gusto.
Jurgen as a character, with his arc intertwined with our protagonist, is a crucial pillar, which serves to make the story so entertaining. Looking forwards to reading more oneshots like this.
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