Review: Batman-superman World's Finest 4: Return to Kingdom Come

Batman-superman World's Finest 4: Return to Kingdom Come Batman-superman World's Finest 4: Return to Kingdom Come by Mark Waid
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It's good to see this story revisiting the continuity of Kingdom Come, and expand upon the backstories of those characters, how they came to their sorry, miserable, defeated states.

Also, a good bookend to the story of David, introduced at the beginning of this run. The kid had serious Jason Todd vibes going for him. Even though he had Rafael level of anger issues, you feel bad for the kid, going through the entire cocktail of survivor guilt induced PTSD trauma, with a whole bunch of reality hopping side effects added on top.

Even though Magog was a character you saw only in the Kingdom Come reality, and one that seemed to be created for the express purpose of serving as a more violent foil to Superman, it's good to get more fleshed-out backstory for him. As well as a cathartic ending for his arc of suffering and guilt.

Even without those, there is also a whole cavalcade worth of action scenes to keep even the most hardcore fans engaged; with a duplex serving of Bats & Supes.


Not to mention how, this reality's version of Darkseid, casually bodying most of the major leaguers like flies. Darkseid in a Justice League story is always a win.



The only negative one may speak of, is how characters other than the dynamic duo doesn't get much meat to chew on; basically, just appearing as glorified muscle to deal with the big baddies. But then again, it's in the title.

Here's hoping for more interesting cross-over stories. Perhaps, next time, let's try and focus on the duo's unconventional, awkward but wholesome friendship more than world ending threats.

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