Review: Preacher, Volume 1: Gone to Texas

Preacher, Volume 1: Gone to Texas by Garth Ennis 
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

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Well, in case you had any doubt; it's official. Garth Ennis absolutely despises what others hold dear. He has already shat on heaps upon Superhero genre, through his disturbing interpretation of truth, justice and the American way in The Boys. Now, let us turn our attention to his earlier classic, shitting upon everything religion, specifically Christianity. Nothing is holy, nothing is sacred, everything is depraved.

So why would one go about reading Garth's interpretation of the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit, where everything caters to the lowest denomination, and the worst stuff of nightmares you could think is put on screen? Well, the characters are mighty likeable, as well as the rapport the primary trio have with each other. Plus, there is a whole lot of gratuitous violence and fetichism for those who're into all that. Only thing I know is that, despite being constantly raw while reading it, the story still keeps you turning pages to know what happens next. So, a good hook and pacing. And much like a Tarantino script, in between various scenes of needless violence, gore and blood shed, the characters often go on long meandering tangents about the absolute minutia, so that gives them an organic feel.

Most if not anything, the reader is genuinely curious as what ending awaits the dysfunctional unholy trinity that are our protagonists, and just how much shit will hit the fan before this whole thing is over.

So, if you're not averse to mind-numbing violence, gore and sex, no harm in picking up this title. Just make sure the doors are closed, and you don't accidentally get their hands on your copy, at risk of lifelong trauma.


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