Review: Daivathinte Charanmar - You Could Be One

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Rating 3 out of 5| Grade C; Simple things, Not so complex, Some enlightening, mostly mundane
The Good: The Book is filled with snippets & anecdotes from the life of the author, which he presents to the audience in forms of parables & observations. Some of his stories & viewpoints does give you new perspective on things which you'd taken for granted in life.
The Bad: Perhaps it is because of his rooted religious background, or because he was for a time enrolled in a Seminary Jose's words can at times come across as preachy, and dare I say patronizing. In some topics, such as racism, Sex education, Assault, Addictions and religion, he makes some observations which, in all honesty might've been quite enlightening in his own life.
But in Recounting them to the audience, he comes across in the same way as that one youtuber, who 'saw' colors & sunrise for the first time. Ok, maybe that was too mean. But it does come across like that at times.
The Mundane: Many of Jose's experiences as described in the book; Problems with love, Not getting good grades, Fighting with friends & parents, losing old friends to the flow of time, that's like a Monday for anyone, who has, is and will be growing up through life. Again, couldn't really get anything out of them, which I couldn't from looking back my own past & failures.
While I do acknowledge that the writer has penned these words with good intentions, I cannot honestly find anything worthwhile in this, at least anything which I wouldn't be able to find in one of the more familiar tomes on morality, from one's common sense, or even a 10 second internet search.
Which is not to say you shouldn't read it. In the book, there are several sections which involve anecdotes of how Jose, as a popular social media personality interacts with people from various walks of life, listens to their problems, and help them in his own way. If anything, that personality & the relationships which he has cultivated is something to emulate.
TlDr: Appreciate the effort, but not my cup of tea, and didn't find anything novel,
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