Review: Batman vs. Predator

Batman vs. Predator Batman vs. Predator by Dave Gibbons
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'll admit it, this is hands down one of the best Batman crossovers out there. An intergalactic trophy hunting predator going up against the Giga Chad Plot armored Batman? Sign me up for the tickets to that match.


Now, to anyone who has ready any Batman comics, you can pretty much guess how this is going to end. The Predator is good, but not the Title character of a major comic conglomerate, or one of the long running flagship characters of the comic book industry. So you know it's gonna bite the dirt in the finale. But this is one case, where the journey is more entertaining than the conclusion.

So the premise is pretty standard stuff. A Pradator from the Yautja race has landed in Gotham, and he's taking out the big guns of the city one after the other. Prize fighters, Gangsters, Cops, Corrupt politicians, everyone's on the hit list. And naturally, its attention turns to the biggest baddest game in town, that swings around the city brooding on rooftops.


The first confrontation between the duo, doesn't go well for Bruce, having to be saved at the last minute by Alfred, and stuck with a full body cast, unable to do anything while the Predator reeks havoc across the city. But my man Batman is anything is not resilient, and is all about that coming back stronger theme.

Using all the considerable tricks in his utility belt, his considerable resources, not to mention home field advantage, Batman manages to incapacitate the Predator. Even more impressive considering how, sticking to his stubborn as a mule 'No killing' rule, he was trying to apprehend, not kill the Predator.


Things end as you would expect. Mother ship arrives, the loser Predator commits ritual suicide, and Batman is given a nifty badass sword as a trophy. Order is restored, at least for now.

Now, there is nothing novel or engaging offered here for the casual fan. No philosophical discussions, relevant themes, or deep subtext is on play here. Just the good ol' 90s action movie confrontation between two unstoppable titans.


In that regards, and in regards to being a Batman crossover, the story is damn entertaining, and tickles all the right muscles for a bat geek like me. But I don't expect it to appeal to everyone out there, and that's OK.

Plus, the artwork is gorgeous, cinematic and brings out everything that is good about that era's dark, gritty gothic vibe which is so characteristic of Gotham and Batman. All in all, a solid read for the fans. I'll give it 4 out of 5

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