Review: Asterix in Switzerland

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Goscinny and co. are back, and this time they're taking our duo all the way to Switzerland. When I read the title of the story, I expected there to be a number of jokes about the Swiss & 'Neutrality'; I wasn't disappointed.

Onwards to the story; The decadent roman Governor Varius Flavus, is not at all interested in his actual job, instead is more keen in hosting orgies which last day and night. How does he fund these ludicrous endeavors you ask? By some pioneering creative ways in embezzling, hence proving that the Romans gave the modern world more than what is apparent.
You might think he takes a little on the side and sends the rest to Rome, so that none are wiser. No, he takes whatever he wants for himself and the lackeys, and leaves a paltry sum as tribute.

But Caesar the Ebenezer is having none of it, and sends the honorable and dutiful Quaester Vexatius Sinusitus to audit the not so good Governor's finances. Only to find himself with a mild case of praemeditatus veneficii.
You know this man's evil with a capital E, when he has not one, not two, but eight poison rings, one for each finger, and still somehow runs out of poison.

Poisoned, weak and surrounded by enemies, the desperate Quaester turns to the Gauls for help. Good natured as they are, they don't even deny their enemy who seeks help. Now, under Getafix's expert care, and the protection of Asterix & Obelix, with the Quaester survive? Will the Governor's crimes be revealed? And what any of this to do with Switzerland? Read to find out.
Asterix stories are their best when they introduce new elements and races to play around with, much like the Age of Empires game. The new culture this episode are the neutral Swiss, whose not so neutral hatred for Romans make them close allies to the duo.
As mentioned before, taking cue from Contemporary parodies, much of the humor revolves around the infamous Swiss neutrality, yodeling, mountain climbing, with a fondue and chess pot shoved in there somewhere to make a whole sticky mess. Which nonetheless is quite entertaining.
The romans of course, bring their A-game and can't not make you roll on the floor bursting a gut. It is also good to see the romans and Gauls working together for once.

For a fun romp, I reward thee a cheese fondue filled 4 out of 5
The Hurricane of Puns
Varius Flavus
Caius Eucalyptus
Vexatius Sinusitus
Curius Odus
Malodorus Caseus
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