Review: Asterix and the Cauldron

Asterix and the Cauldron Asterix and the Cauldron by René Goscinny
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It's Tax season, and the Romans are coming across collecting their dues. Now, everyone's favorite village of Gauls don't have to worry about such trivial worries, as they are a tax free zone; as in any tax collector who come to collect may not find themselves free to leave on their own two legs.

But their Gaelic neighbors don't have the luxury of an deterrent in the form of a magic potion. So, chief vitalstatistix is visiting by a fellow chief 'Whosemoralsarelastix', who requests him to hide his cauldron fully of Sestertii from the Romans.

Being a good sport, and being a chance to show up the Romans, he agrees. Asterix himself guards the cauldron through the night. But Lo and behold, morning came, and the cauldron is empty! stolen! how? No one knows.

Now a shameful Asterix, who has let his allies down, must be banished from the village, until he manages to refill the cauldron and has it returned to its owner. Joining him in this quest, is the ever loving Obelix and Dogmatix.

Will they succeed in their quest? Or are they destined to forever roam the lands as Ronin? Or is there something more nefarious at work? Find out, on this week's As-te-rix! and the cauldron.

From the get go, one thing which I like, is how this time around, the duo cannot solve their problems, just by punching it. I mean, they might be strong enough to break boulders, but that skill is not very useful in making money.

So Asterix, Obelix and dogmatix, go around Gaul, trying their hand in all manner of trades and jobs, trying to fill that cauldron full of Sestertii. Raiding Roman encampments, pirate shacks, selling boars at the market, fighting in gladiatorial pits, betting money on horse races, trying their hand at theatre, trying to rob a bank. All to always end up back where they started. In many ways, they're getting a taste of what those poor pirates have to go through each time they meet a Gaul.

On another note, after a hiatus, we get to see the hapless soldiers of the great Roman army in their hilarity. Seriously, they might be the strongest army in the world, but someone should teach them the meaning of employment benefits & workplace standards.


Yes man, they came, they saw, they conkered indeed :)

Speaking of puns
○ Whosemoralsarelastix
○ Laurensolivius
○ Alexguinus
○ Confidenstrix


It's good to see the pair frustrated, and realizing that not all problems in life can be solved by a magical potion. That is, unless it's an alchemic potion which can turn sand to gold. In which case, sign me up.

But the story also reveals how naïve and gullible the pair, even the shrewd and cunning Asterix are to the ways of the world; constantly being tricked by conmen and shady traders.

As to how the issue resolves itself, you can take a guess who stole the money, when you consider that it was given to them by someone named Whosemoralsarelastix

As a bonus, everyone's favorite punching bag pirates, perhaps counterbalancing all the bad luck they've had to deal with this whole while, get to be the collateral winners in the end. Good for them!

Full an entertaining romp, and a return to form for the series, I award it 5 out of 5 Sestertii

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