Review: East of West, Vol. 1: The Promise
East of West, Vol. 1: The Promise by Jonathan Hickman My rating: 4 of 5 stars As far as media based on alternate history goes, I’d think that East of West, by Jonathan Hickman has one of the more unique points of divergence. Rather than reusing the tired troupe of ‘What if X faction won the world war/ cold war’, the story this time around starts much earlier; during the American civil war. A prolonged civil war, followed by a comet fall in the middle of the continent, resulted in an Armistice, with each faction carving out their own portion of the land for themselves. This new entity is called the seven nations of america. Over a century and half has passed, and the impasse continues. Technology has progressed, new armies have risen, and the factions remain baring their teeth at one another, barely held back by the accord of the Armistice. Away from all this, arise the four horsemen of the apocalypse, sans one, who have through subsequent iteratio...