Review: I Kill Giants
I Kill Giants by Joe Kelly My rating: 5 of 5 stars View all my reviews Sometimes there are comics, which, instead of taking you on a power fantasy, or journey of cosmic proportions, or being a contemplation of good and evil, allow you to come to terms with the harsh realities of life. It allows you to, through the medium of storytelling gain empathy and understanding of the human condition. 'I kill giants' by Joe Kelly and artist Ken Niimura is just right at this, at what it does. It doesn't need to be anything more, because it is perfect, comfortable in its own skin. Barbara is a girl who has been dealt a bad hand by fate. And, in trying to deny the reality of her situation, she withdraws into her own impressive imagination. Turning intangible problems, to tangible adversaries, she tries to combat and get rid of them, in the vain hope that things will return to a time, when everything was well in life. But in time, wit...