One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez My rating: 5 of 5 stars Key Outtakes You know that feeling you get during the last day of college, during graduation you say goodbye to all your friends, many of whom you might never meet for the rest of your lives. If you want to relive that feeling for several 100 pages then this is the story for you If you do want to undertake reading this, make sure you have by your side, a complete family tree for the Buendias of Macondo. Otherwise it is easy to be confused as to which Aureliano or arcadio we are talking about at any point in time. I feel love for Santa Sofía de la piedad, the constant helper and ever in the shadow, who never asked anything for herself, and was then forgotten, left a home where there was nothing left for her. I feel sympathy for Fernanda who despised everyone from the rambunctious Buendia bunch, and in the end, lamented her old age and solitude. I feel Pity for Aureliano who spent most o...